


Introduction to philosophy

Western ancient philosophy

Western medieval philosophy

Western early modern philosophy

Western contemporary philosophy

Eastern ancient philosophy

Eastern medieval philosophy

Eastern early modern philosophy

Eastern contemporary philosophy

Philosophy of the human person

Philosophy of being

Philosophy of music



Analytic philosophy


Philosophy of history

European philosophy

Philosophy of science

Philosophy of law


St. Thomas Aquinas





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  6. Philosophers

Philosophy research


Here is a list of some philosophers




(circa 8th century)

Not so much a philosopher but he's still cool

Hesiod's Theogeny.

Θεογονία δωρεάν έκδοση




(551 - 479 BC)




(469 - 399 BC)




(429[8,7] - 347 BC)

Major works

The Republic free version English

Plato's major work, divided into ten books. He discusses justice, the city, the soul, art, music, poetry, governance, and the relations between all of these. Some of the main characters in the Republic are Socrates, Polymarchus, Thrasymachus, Cephalus, Adeimantus and Glaucon.

The Republic paid version English

Πολιτεία δωρεάν έκδοση

Πολιτεία πληρωμένη έκδοση βιβλία 1 - 5

Πολιτεία πληρωμένη έκδοση βιβλία 6 - 10

The Symposium free version

The Symposium paid version




(384 - 322 BC)

Major works

The Nichomachean Ethics free version

This is Aristotle's major work on human action. The book consists of ten parts:

The Nichomachean Ethics paid version

Νικομάχεια ηθική δωρεάν έκδοση

Νικομάχεια ηθική πληρωμένη έκδοση

Basic Works of Aristotle free version

Basic Works of Aristotle paid version


(341 - 270 BC)

Much of what we know about Epicurus' life and philosophy comes from Diogenes Laertius' Lives of Eminent Philosophers.


(106 - 43 BC)

Major works

Republic and Laws free version

De Republica liberum

De Legibus liberum

De Republica et De Legibus et redde


(1 BC - 65 AD)




(204(5) - 270 AD)

Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis


(St. Augustine)

(354 - 430 AD)

Major works

The Confessions free version

The Confessions paid version

Confessiones liberum

Confessiones et redde libri 1 - 8

Confessiones et redde libri 9 - 13

The City of God free version

The City of God paid version

Ibn Sina (Avicenna)

(970 - 1037 AD)

St. Thomas Aquinas

(1225 - 1274 AD)

Major works

On Being and Essence free version

On Being and Essence paid version

De Ente et Essentia liberum

De Ente et Essentia et redde

René Descartes

(1596 - 1650 AD)

Meditations on First Philosophy

John Locke

(1632 - 1704 AD)

David Hume

(1711 - 1776 AD)

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

(1712 - 1778 AD)

Immanuel Kant

(1724 - 1804 AD)

Major works

Critique of Pure Reason

Critique of Practical Reason

Critique of Judgement

Minor works

Prolegomena to any future metaphysics

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

(1770 - 1831 AD)

Major works

Phenomenology of Spirit free version

Søren Kierkegaard

(1813 - 1855 AD)

Karl Marx

(1818 - 1883 AD)

Friedrich Engels

(1820 - 1895 AD)

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

(1844 - 1900 AD)

Major works

Genealogy of Morals free version

This is where Nietzsche discusses the origins of morality. He divides the book into three parts:

  1. "Good and Evil," "Good and Bad"
  2. "Guilt," "Bad Conscience," and the Like
  3. What is the meaning of ascetic ideals?

Genealogy of Morals paid version

Thus Spoke Zarathustra free version

Thus Spoke Zarathustra paid version

The Gay Science free version

This is where Nietzsche proclaims the famous 'god is dead' line.

The Gay Science paid version

Edmund Husserl

(1859 - 1938 AD)

Ludwig Wittgenstein

(1889 - 1951 AD)

Martin Heidegger

(1889 - 1976 AD)

St. Edith Stein

(1891 - 1942 AD)

Jean-Paul Sartre

(1905 - 1980 AD)

Hannah Arendt

(1906 - 1975 AD)

Michel Foucault

(1926 - 1984 AD)

Most of the dates are taken from the SEP.